Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > my dogs chronic infection; supplements for canine ear infections; pet nurse marie can help;

my dogs chronic infection; supplements for canine ear infections; pet nurse marie can help;


QUESTION: my dog has had chronic ear infection for 2 years he is 5 years old .have had to the vet several times does not seem to help at all .no fleas ,no mites just the reddest ear and very warm .and he is constantly scratching it I feel so sorry for him please can you help me? LOIS

ANSWER: Hi Lois, I sure do understand your concern ....
I would love to help you... Sorry your vet was unable to help you!
OK- what kind of dog is this ?  ( breed)
Also, what kind of food are you feeding ( brand )???

I will be able to help with a EAR cleaning recipe and food/ supplements and possible oil.

Talk to you soon....

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well can you tell me what I can do to help my yorkie .with his ear infection?

Hello again - Well, you may need to make a food change over...
Here is something I wrote about ear infections in a LAB...
This info could help you, too... with your Yorkie...

*** all of my suggestions would be helpful for your baby...

see here: