Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Metamucil cookies/wafers for dogs; Science Diet dog food;

Metamucil cookies/wafers for dogs; Science Diet dog food;


QUESTION: thanks Marie for such a quick response. i ordered the cookies and they'll be here tomorrow. what dosage would you recommend for my dog? mixed breed about 26-27lbs? i feed her dry food twice a day about a half cup each serving. also, i feed her Nature's Best chicken and brown rice formula, made by Science Diet. do you think there's another brand that may be better for producing firmer stools? also, should i be concerned about the sugar content in Metamucil cookies? thanks again in advance.

ANSWER: Mary, the Metamucil cookie should be 1/2 cookie per day.  As time goes by you may need only 1/4 per day to None at all.

The Science diet is an awful food with too many junk fillers....( sorry, no nice way to say it)
I would go with a much better quality food :  ( do a slow transition at a 50:50 mix of the Old food and a new food)

Some great brands for your dog are:
Wellness CORE
Merrick Before Grain
Or even : Chicken Soup for the dog lover's soul
( my favorite is the EVO)

Don't forget a NuVET wafer per day:
see here:
1- 800-474-7044  ( they do have a small bottle for 19.99 ) you can't get it off the web site: need to call in for the small bottles
They offer a 60 day money back guarantee.
Tell them you are Working with Pet Nurse Marie Peppers at the dog health site:

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the PET Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i think this site has become a favorite due to the quick and informative responses from you, Marie. thanks so much for the list of foods. i actually had my dog on the Chicken soup for the dog lover..then changed her quite a while ago thinking i was giving a better food, lol. i will try to find the INNOVA EVO or at least one of the higher choices on list. thanks again, for all your help and information. i'll check back and let you know if progress is being made.

in a couple of weeks i hope to be able to order some NuVET wafers also. thanks again.

Metamucil for dogs;  metamucil cookies work for dogs; anal glands and metamucil cookies;
Let me know if you change out the dog food?

Mary, yes - I am glad to help!
Glad you like my little " spot " here at

Sure, the NuVET wafers will be very helpful, too.

Keep me posted at my private e-mail
here at the allexperts

Good luck