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anal gland issue


hi, i have a mixed breed dog, about 26-27lbs and a few weeks ago she started having a horrid odor coming from under her tail. vet said it's anal glands and he expressed them. said to give her fiber such as string beans (the frozen ones) just thaw them out. so i've been doing that but it doesn't seem to be giving results except for the occasional firm stool that comes out in small pieces. now, it's only about two and a half weeks later and she's giving off the odor again.

he also told me i could give Metamucil. one quarter teaspoon with each feeding. i feed her dry food twice daily. i bought the Metamucil but hesitate to use it because i don't understand what i'm supposed to do about water. i know it says, that for us, we need to take it with 8 ounces of water. can you elaborate on this for me? you can't force a dog to drink, and if i fill her up with broth or something isn't she going to have to pee a lot more too?
and do you even advise the use of this?

she's a young dog, only 1 1/2 yrs old. she's not scooting or showing any kind of discomfort at all. the odor comes and goes and i've been cleaning her butt when it comes because it's potent!

i'd rather not call vet just yet, as he'll probably tell me to come in again, as he's not big on giving information over the phone, but pretty good at charging for another office visit lol.
but if i'm not able to see some improvement in stools and the odor continues, of course, she'll be going back in a few days.

Hi Mary,  yes, a very common problem... Here is some help for the anal glad issues:
( about the metamucil - I only use the cookies - no excess water needed - see below :)

Maltese with anal glad and diet problem:

or See here:

Pure canned pumpkin and anal glands:

HOPE the above posts help.....

Marie Peppers LPN Ma