Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > demodex mange in english bulldog; ivermectin bulldog;

demodex mange in english bulldog; ivermectin bulldog;


If have adopted a English bulldog that has demodex and the vet gave us ivermectin and that makes her sick  I was wondering if this  product might help with her immune system and the demodex She has cherry eye and a very small wind pipe she cant have the cherry eye fixed until we get they immune system up.

Demodex treatment for English Bulldog

Wow Tammy,  I would love to talk to you about your English bulldog's medical problems.  I am glad that you do have a Diagnosis from the Vet.  There is a product your Vet can order for mange that is topical.  ( No need to ingest it)  ... Let the Vet know your dog did get ill with the Ivermectin medication.

Yes, We have had great luck re-building a weak immune system with a number of herbs.
Please contact me here and I will give you a list of a few things to pick up ....
All are Natural and Not a drug.

Contact me at
Let me know the weight of your dog and the food Brand you are feeding.

Thanks for contacting me!  I am sure that I can help, along with your Vet

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Walter's Story  ( Had Mange at a young age )