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Glaucoma on 12 year old dog


Hi there, my dog is about 12 and has the blue glaze on her eyes, my vet said that it is normal part of aging but is there anything I can do for her?  I have her on silicea 6x, is that a good route?  Is there something that would be better?

Dear TinaMarie,
Silicea 6x is good.  Below here are the ingredients in the eye kit that we sell.  You may be able to source these ingredients elsewhere as well.  Otherwise, we can ship the products to you as well.

Eye Opacities Kit (Set of 3)
Treating Glaucoma, degeneration of eye muscles, opacities:

1.  Eye Tonic  50ml
(Contains Special Custom blend of  homeopathics: Arg Nit, Chel, Euph, Musc, Onosm, Phos, Physo, Ruta 200)

2. Eye Vitamin Formula    50ml
(Contains homeopathic:: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, Oleum Jec. gingko biloba, eyebright herbs).

3.   Vision    50ml    
(Contains Special Custom blend of  homeopathics like: Glycerium, Hammemelis, Phosphorus Symphytum, Organ -arteries, arteriloes, capillaries, viens, retina, optic, rods, retinere, macula lutia, choroid, connective tissue and collagen for structural and functional integrity.)
There are two different types of opacities - corneal opacities related to the Liver energies and lens opacities related to the Stomach energies.

Give your pet St. Mary's Thistle herbal tincture of 10 drops 2 x daily in meals for a minimum of 2 months.
Opacities in the cornea are related to the Liver.

Since allergic reactions, following secondary infection or toxemia, are suspected in these conditions, opacities in the lens are related to the Stomach energies. In this case also add digestive enzymes to daily meals.

I hope this information is useful.
With thanks.