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My Dog has been vomiting quite a bit today


My eight-year-old Golden Retriever has been vomiting today, I was wondering why and if there is something that I can give her to settle her stomach.

Her vomiting has not been affecting her normal behavior, she has been running/jumping around, drinking and going to the bathroom regularly.

She would also vomit right after she got really excited.

Could it be from the heat (it was around 80F today)?

Any Advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you

Dog vomiting - Ok - feed her a little less today or some cooked chicken and white rice.
Make sure she has plenty of water -
Most vets will offer a pepto bismol caplet ( the pink pills)

you can give her 1-2 every 8 hrs..

If she continues after 24 hrs ( vomiting) please call the vet.

good luck