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glucosamine for pets


QUESTION: We have a 75 pound lab with arthritis.  She does much better with regular walking and we give her 227 mg. of previcox when we can see she is in pain (once every week or two).  I was told the glucosamine would be good for her.  I bought flex-a-min super glucosamine 2000 plus.  It also has 1000mg of MSM, 6mg Boron and 36.5 silica and HA.  Is this safe for the dog, and if so how much do I five her (1/2 pill)?

ANSWER: Hi Ginny,
There should be no problem in giving your Lab the flex-a-min.  Half a tablet is fine.  If you are not sure you can always phone your vet for advice, but as far as I am aware these vitamins will help her arthritis.
Hydrotherapy is also very good for arthritic dogs, as is massage and acupuncture.
Take care and please get back to me if you have any further questions.
You may also want to look at her losing a couple of pounds as this will make it easier on her joints.
Take care,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank-you for your prompt reply.  I heard that chondrotin was also good so I bought flex-a-min complete with glucosamine 2000 mg, chondroitin 1600 mg, and MSM 1600 mg. there is also a propietary blend of 3200 mg.  Is this also safe and how much should we give per day.  Can you give too big of a dosage?

Yes Ginny - chondroitin is also great for joints and arthritic problems.  Although chondroitin and glucosamine are both naturally found in the body to help maintain healthy joint cartilage, they should be used with caution especially if taking any medications or if your dog is suffering any illnesses such as diabetes.  Always discuss with the vet first in these situations.  Too much can cause side effects such as nausea, hair loss, stomach pains, gas and drowsiness, among other things.  Other signs of too much, or an intolerance, can be blurred vision, infections and increased urination.
If there is a "children's dose" on the label, then I would administer this amount daily.  Otherwise, half the human daily recommendation should be fine.  
It can take up to 4 weeks to notice any improvements, and you may need to keep your Lab on the supplement for several months, cutting back the dose once improvement is noticed.
I hope this is helpful.