Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > sick chihuahua please call a rescue right away:

sick chihuahua please call a rescue right away:


I am writing from Bakersfield,California. I don't know if it will be enough info. A friend has white female chihuahua close to 2 years old that is very weak and walks like she is a bit dizzy. They say she's been sick for about 3-months now, hasn't eatin much and is very skinny. Not really in pain though, she's seems to have some sort of breathing symptom that I cant describe; almost like asthma with a soft cough (not too serious). There son has given her many shots, penicillin and other types of medicine since the 3 months. No improvement yet. When I was there visiting them, "China" is the chihuahua's name and she wanted to climb up my lap and be cuddled; she had the strength to stand up but not jump. They really don't have the money to take her to a Vet. and even though they don't want her to suffer, they're thinking of just putting her to sleep. Her eyes and ears seem to be ok, just that she skinny and weak. Is there any other type of home remedy or recommendations for what ever her condition is?

Oh Saul - Encourage your friends to bring her to the SPCA or some type of agency that takes IN pets for Adoption.  They will need to sign her over to this agency.  They will pay her mecial bills and fix her up for a new Adoptive home.
Please!  She may need an operation for her palate and the Agency will take care of this...
Call around or ask the VET for names of the Rescue agencies.

I know there are some in your area... Call now.

Marie Peppers