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rabies vaccine reactions to boxer ; boxer dog rabies shot reacation ;


On August 6, 2009 took my 8yr old female(spayed) Boxer in for her 3 yr rabies shot only. Wish I could take it back but too late. 1st weekend she acted confused and had a few sores pop up. Got over that and then next weekend face swelled with hives and went back to vet. Was told it may be a reaction to rabies shot. Told to give benadryl (50mg) at least twice a day. Due to arthritis(takes rimadyl as needed) and a condition called FCE and they did not want to give steroids. Another week has gone by and now she just has the hives to pop up after our morning walk and only taking 50 mg benadryl a day. She has been raw feed for about 1 year. I also add cosequin ds, vitamin C, vitamin E, fish oil, yucca (for inflamation), and Nupro to her food. Other than her morning hives she is fine. No more rabies shot or any other vaccinations for my girl.She was fine before that day. Is there anything else I can try?

Yes Martha, Please don't every let them vaccinate her again for Rabies:  there is a form your vet can fill-out to Pardon her from future Rabies injections.
NEXT - YOU are doing a wonderful job - I would take her Off the Nupro and give her NuVET plus in it's place.
NuVET is an Immune system booster and allergy blaster...
So Many Boxers are taking 1 NuVET Plus wafer per day - I would do this long term.
The rabies vaccine has made her immune system weaker.
SEE here - CAll In for quick shipping and ask about the 15 % off
NuVET is Holistic and can be given with any drugs your vet has ordered... VERY VERY SAFE...

Call 1-800-474-7044  Use order referral code 81098  ( Sold by Holistic vets and other pet profs) Not sold in stores.
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie wants you to start with 1 1/2 NuVET wafers for the first 15 days and then go down to just 1 per day long term.
*here is the web site for your review:

A 30 count is 20.00
a 50 count is 39.00
a 90 coung is 55.oo
ASK about Getting 15% OFF on all orders

Good Luck - keep me posted.
Oh, the NuVET  folks Offer you a 60 day money back Guarantee.

Marie Peppers LPN MA