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Lifes Abundance Review! Yes, we like this too...


QUESTION: My 8 year old Wire fox terrier is doing great on the Nuvet Plus vitamin supplement.Now I am thinking of adding a probiotic but the Pearls you suggested is for big dogs.Another one a web site suggested was the Integrative Therapeutics Spectra Probiotic or I was also thinking of the Vetri-Probiotic everyday for dog soft chews.Would those be a good choice or do you have another suggestion for a probiotic?My dog is doing fairly well on Nuvet Plus alone and so she probably just needs something in a mild dose to maintain her digestion.But as I mentioned before at age 4 she had her annal glands removed.Since then she has no further problems though and her digestion is working well.
         thankyou and I am glad you are here for questions    Marcie

ANSWER: Hi Marcie - How about GNC's Probitoic called:  acidophalus???
Just 1 billion CFUs  - you can break the in 1/2 -  I love GNC and take it for my pets and me, too.
You can go the the local General Nutrition Store or on-line.
I think it is under 15.00 per bottle.
Or - My other favorite is: Probios -Powder  ( for farm animals and Dogs / Cat, too...)  ( I get this from the FEED and Hay stores - but many pet stores sell it)
Probios is made by -BOMAC VET Plus

The NuVET helps alot with Digestion, too.

YOU can alway add a little Kellog's All BRAN - 1/2 teaspoon to the meal 1 x per day for a few days -  IT keeps everything moving well.
It's a good clean out and Natural

Keep me posted on the NuVET and what Probiotic you choose.
I only like to give advice on what I know works.

Marie Peppers lPN
Ask the VET Nurse

Visit my NuVET supplements site here:

Also, READ about the Shampoos and Sprays that if love!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have always usually gave my 23 pound dog one teaspoon of ground flaxseed to her meals to add extra fiber as she has always needed it since she had annal gland problems when she was younger.I was wondering if she could have a little more then that as extra fiber helps keep her from gaining weight.What other things might I add to her food to add a little extra fiber,maybe oatmeal or oatbran?Although she is eatting Now senior dog food which is high fiber but since she hasn,t been going for walks as much due to the weather she has gained a pound or 2.I do monitor how much food she gets per day too and she also has high fiber treats.
         thankyou, Marcie

Yes- I agree, the Life's Abundance is Quality --- that's hard to find in a dog food:  
You have to read the ingredients.  So many dog foods are Junk--- Glad you like this brand, too!

Hi - I am so Glad you are doing great on the NuVET supplements.
As far as more fiber??? How about going with 1 of the follow treats per day -
Great fiber and antioxidants.
Many of my clients take this one - It's Holistic and Very good for them.

PLUS - delivery is fresh to your door:
Just 1 per day

Also, Many of my clients take the DENTAL Treat - KEEP the Teeth Healthy
see here:

( you can give 1-2 per day of this Dental Treat)

Hope about some Ball Play?  Or even some tug-o-war, to get the Heart rate up and burn some calories.?

HOPE this helps!
Keep me posted
YOU can also call me,
8am to 8pm  M-S ( Eastern Time Zone)
ANYONE is welcome to call for advice.

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse

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