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2 months ago I adopted a 7 month old puppy who gets car sick even on a 10 minute drive.  If she has eaten, the whole contents of her stomach come up.  If she has not eaten within the past 12 hours, she throws up stomach bile & foams at the mouth.  She can jump in and sit in the car without it running and is fine, so it doesn't seem to be fear of the car.  So far I have tried the following all resulting in vomiting: Driving with her in crate, on back seat with person holding, in back seat with my older dog, in front seat, in floor where she can not see out,  with windows open or closed, and last resort -15mg dramamine (25 lb. dog).  None of these helped. We will be driving to Asheville from Charlotte regularly, so this is a problem!  Any ideas?

Hi Betty,  You will need to see the Vet for something stronger:
RX for -Cerenia pills or injections 12 to 24 hrs prior to travel:
You can also try the very light meal and give Faamotidine tablets -
Again, see the Vet for advice on the two above drugs.

good luck!

Marie Peppers LPN MA