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Swift with a broken wing



On last thursday I got a swift with broken wing from a local animal center. I don't know who, where and when found it. They didn't take much care of it and said it would die soon. However, he (or she!)is still alive and looks quite well too. On friday I "fixed" (sorry, don't know the right word for it) the broken wing (I read on the net how to do it and i hope i did it right). Here's the birdie: . In the first three days he was eating yolk of a boiled egg then he started to refuse eating it. I tried chasing flies but it's not so easy! This morning I thought the birdie died because it didn't wake me up at 7 am as it did in the first days. The swift lied in the corner of a box and didn't look well. I figured out he's still alive only when i thouched him. Just few hours ago I bought fly larvas (don't know the exact name) and fed the bird. He looks much better now.

Year or two ago my classmate found a swift and gave it to me. When I took it to a vet, he didn't help much, said that the bird needs some rest (too bad he didn't mention the bread thing...). It died because I gave it bread :( I wish I knew...

Anyway, my questions are: when can I take the bandage off? Does a box (of printer) make a good nest? What else would the bird eat besides yolk and insects? What else can I do?.. Please don't say that swifts and swallows can't live at one's home, I read that on several sites.

Because the sky is blue it makes me cry... Well, not because it's blue, actually, but because there are so many swifts (such beautiful birds!). I really want to help this little guy.

Please help!


P.S. Sorry for my bad english.

Hello Jana -

I am happy to hear that you have helped to save this little bird. I too love Swift's and they are beautiful and have a harmonious song.

The box is fine, add some grass clippings, leaves twigs and natural materials. The Swift will use his saliva to make a proper nest for himself  . .  hopefully.

Insects are the best from my readings and research. Stay with the fly larvae. They like beetles too.

Well, I'm not going to tell you to not keep the bird - we use to have Swallows in our barn - as a child I remember there sweet song - you do what makes you feel well. Once he heals he must be able to get outside and catch food, you may be able to train him to stay around your home.

For the bandage, be sure it is not wrapped to tight. I am not there to see his progress so you will have to take note yourself. When it is healing well, he should be moving it more freely and will not let the wing hang down. He will eventually want to flap around and the bandage will become cumbersome - time to take it off.

I hope this information has helped you.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assit you. I also offer a catalogue of specially formulated herbal remedies which I can send to you as well. My products are also available online at

Thank you and peaful blessings to you and your Swift! Please keep me posted on his progress.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist