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canine seizures


Hi, I was wondering if you had any tips on trying to control canine seizures besides medication.  Our Brittany Spaniel started having seizures approx. 6 months ago at age 1 1/2 years.  He has had a total of 4 now, usually 1-1 1/2 months apart each.  The vet suspects they are epileptic seizures.  We are going to put him on the medicine the vet recommends if he has one more seizure.  We hate to do this, however, if there are any alternatives we could try.  Once he starts the medication, he must remain on it for the rest of life. Please send any suggestions you may have, we are willing to try anything at this point.  I read on the web somewhere that in rare instances, seizures can be caused by food allergies.  We have had previous problems due to him developing allergic reactions to certain foods.  Do you think that could be a possibility in this case also?

Thank you for any help you may offer.

Hello Keri -

Yes, epilepsy (seizures) can be treated naturally. I currently treat a pet for this condition. I make a tincture that can be administered daily which will reduce the onset, severity and occurrence of seizures. I will leave my email address at the bottom of this response if you are interested in pursuing this naturally and with my help.

The vet will put your pet on Phenobarbital to begin with and if that doesn't work they will add supplements of Potassium bromide. After years, these drugs no longer work to combat epilepsy and some pets develop deeper conditions such as tumors on the skull. The potency of these drugs can be dropped if the seizures cease but if used long term can cause severe liver damage. Dogs can live a normal life with this condition but will put a lot of stress on their owner because of the frequency of seizures.

You may want to ask your vet to do a check on your pets glucose level. Sometimes seizures can be caused by diabetes mellitus (blood glucose levels that are too high) or hypoglycemia (blood sugar levels that are too low). Food allergies may go along with this catergory but I have not heard of food allergies directly causing seizures.  

Try feeding him boiled chicken and rice with broth. This is the most natural and best diet for pets with food allergies. Most foods on the market are loaded with by-products and preservatives. A pet with food allergies can be very frustrating. What type of previous problems did you have with food allergies - did he have a seizure or was it more gastro-intestinal? Let me know and I may be able to help you further.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you are interested in a natural help with epilepsy contact me at and I may be able to help you further. I would like more information too on his food allergies. Please keep me posted, I will do my best to help your pet naturally.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist