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Feeding raw to puppy ;


I am purcahsing a 9 week old soft coated wheaten terrier and would like to feed her a raw diet.  I have seen much that alludes to the fact that it will produce a much healthier dog.  How do I go about knowing howmuch and what to feed her?  How often should I feed her?  Can you help me?  I have seen many companys that sell prepared raw diets, can I not do it cheaper?  I shop at whole foods, so i will be buying all natural and in most cases organic.  Thanks for your time and consideration, Melanie Hayward

Hi Melanie,  I sure do know many folks that USE SoJo's mix to feed --- I do cook my meats and add the SoJo mix :  You can do raw also.
Here is the link for SoJo's --- I am not a raw feeder so can't help too much on this:
Here is the one I would get - Grain free - Wonderful and tastes great:
You can order this and it will come to your door / Shipping is free ...
Make sure you order the Grain free one:  For allergy dogs)

The grain-free alternative to kibble, Sojos Grain-Free Dog Food Mix (formerly known as Sojos Europa) is a wholesome pre-mix that you combine with meat and water to create a fresh, homemade dog food. Sojos Grain-Free works great for dogs with sensitivities to grains, and also as a great fruit and vegetable supplement to our other mixes.

I suggest you go to Yahoo and join some of the groups for raw feeders.
Just go to and do a search on feeding raw in Groups:

BEST Wishes on your new pup!

Marie Peppers LPN MA