Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > 10 yr. old Rottweiler with arthritis; rimadyl nujoint plus ;

10 yr. old Rottweiler with arthritis; rimadyl nujoint plus ;


Hi. I have a 10 yr. old Rottweiler who was diagnosed by a emergency vet with severe arthritis.  He has been taking 75mg of Rimadyl for about 2 weeks and there is no improvement at all.  He just lays in the same place and doesn't move at all.  Are there any alternative medicines that I could use?  I really don't want to put him down.  He looks soooo sad.  Please help!

NuJoint Plus - Vs Rimadyl :
Hi Diana, Oh, poor boy!  The Rimadyl is tough on the stomach and liver :  give Nu JOINT Plus at try - you will see results in less than 2 weeks ---- All Natural and very SAFE..
YOU can still give the Rimadyl for a little longer - until the NuJOINT kicks in.
MOST of our client do great with the NuJoint.
YOUR dog will need 5 NuJOINTS per day for the first month / later on- you can go down to just 3-4 per day.  Again - all Natural...
go here: tell the Gals you need NuJOINT Plus :
1-800-474-7044  Make sure you go on auto ship and get 15% off with order code 81098.
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you.

here is my web site for NuJOINT -

Here is my e-mail - let me know how your are doing after 3 weeks.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse