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Shihtzu nutrition


Still searching for the right diet... two of our four dogs are itching to the point where we are using benadryl! We thought there might be dry skin due to a cold snap. Maybe there's something missing from, or in, their diet that is causing problems? We have one girls that is itching much of the night! We rotate kibbles using Evo, Wellnes, California Natural. We supplement with Primal Raw Food, Missing Link, high EPA fish oil, enzymes and probiotics. What is going wrong? We're tempted to stop the above and start cooking for our dogs! Help!

Hi Rick - Wow, you guys are doing a Wonderful JOB - All good foods - I bet the problem is Environmental.... and  not food related.
Here is my plan for the itching kid.... ( doggie)

Ok, let's get a humidifier in your home -
place 1 or 2 of them in different parts of the house...
Rotate them every few days as to not build up too much moisture and thus Mold growth.

YOU have a very tight and dry house?  I bet that is one of the major problems here.

You can also take 2-3 pans ( big pans) of Water and place them UP high around the house: don't let the pets drink the water:

This will also add moisture to the air.

Re-fill the pans every 4-5 days with fresh water.

Stop the following Supplements and Start on Some NuVET Plus:
Stop the Enzymes and Probiotics for a few weeks....Give NuVET Allergy Blaster a chance to KICK IN>>>...  YOU can see results in less than 3 weeks... Also, if after 50 days, you are not happy - the company will give you your money back ....( 60 Day MONEY back guarantee)  MOST of my clients have great results on the NuVET wafer treats...
MOST dogs need one per day, some need 2 per day.....
60 count is 39.95
90 count is 56.00

The NUVET Plus is a allergy Blaster and Immune System booster.
Also, helps to reduce the itching and dry skin.

Give her 2 per day for 30 days - then she can drop down to just 1 per day:

NUVET is Wonderful and I refer 90% of my clients to the NuVET products...

HERE is the ordering info-
Call 1-800-474-7044 ( M-F) Calif time zone or go here:
Instructions for ordering / my personal site:  ask for the discount - see my site for details...

OK, I would rotate just the EVO or WELLNESS Core only -  You can do the Primal raw as a treat a few times per week.  
The Fish oil is good but I like PURE salmon oil much better...
Must be the PURE Alaskan Salmon oil/ Sold at most Pet stores...

Again, I don't think this kid is full or FOOD allergies/ I bet it is much more environmental:  dust, dirt, molds, cats, carpeting, YOU just name it and it can cause some allergies....
Do you know what I mean.
WE need to strengthen the immune system with the NuVET...

BEST of Luck - Keep me posted...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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