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Cats skin reaction to vaccine


My cat received a three-in-one vaccine on Thursday and has since scratched her skin so severely that she has a bald spot measuring about 1" x 1.75".  Could she have an allergic reaction to the vaccine?  Her skin is very inflamed and red from scratching.  I put some witch hazel on the area, and she seems to be leaving it alone.  Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Dear Tess,

Yes, it was undoubtedly the vaccine. I recommend that you do not vaccinate your cat ever again at least not every year.They are extremely harmful, and the dangerous side effects generally out weigh the benefits. Also, every vaccine will titer test strong for at least 7-10 years (that is a test that shows immune resistance to a particular disease. Vets are aware of the fact that the resistance from the first years vaccine negates the next years vaccine because they were taught it in the book they used in college...annual vaccines are all about the money..and the money made from the negative side effects.

As for the reaction, you may want to go to a health food store that carries homeopathic remedies and pick up a detox and a remedy called Thujia. (It may be spelled Thuja). It is the remedy used to clear vaccine toxicity. If you have any major questions or trouble finding the products, I'd recommend calling the outstanding holistic vet that I use named Dr Gerald Wessner. He does phone consultations and can send you the remedies that you need. He can also advise you as to how to handle the vaccine situation holistically. His phone number is 352-245-2025. Leave a message if you don't get an answer and he will call you back.

I would also recommend putting your kitty on a raw food diet if there is one available, and a good pro-biotic formula which will help stabilize her immune system and return her to health. There is an excellent product called iFlora from Sedona Purely Pets which you can find on line if you can't find a good one locally. You should maintain these things indefinitely.

Keep me posted and let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

By the way, Hopefully by the first of the year my new book "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet" will be available on line both as an e-book and in print at my web site It is very informative and not expensive. You may want to get a copy.

Yours truly,
Susan Griffin
Holistic Pet Care Consultant