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Canine Kidney Failure ; sheltie with kidney failure;


My very dear 9 year old Sheltie is in Kidney Failure stage three.  He was just released from the hospital today with very little hope of survival past a few weeks.  I don't want to prolong his suffering but is there anything else that we can do for him?  He is on many meds and is still not eating very well.  I guess I'm just desperate to find out if I am overlooking anything that could prolong his life and yet for him to still have quality of life.

Oh Deborah and sheltie boy!  I am so sorry to hear of this.  The only thing you can do is feed him a quality diet for his condition and a few supplements.  This is just comfort measures as the kidneys have very little time left to function.  I would gald to offer you a canine diet for dogs in kidney failure.  Sorry, there is little we can do at this point.
Let me know if you want the recipe for the dog food?
My private e-mail is:

Marie Peppers LPN MA