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Nerve damage


My five-year-old male beagle suffered from two ruptured discs about a year and a half ago. He had surgery and is walking, but has some nerve damage. Do nerves regenerate? I gave me the nerve regeneration tonic but did not notice any major improvements. I do physical therapy with him every week and I definitely notice progress. I was just wondering if there are any supplements to lubricate the discs so he does not relapse and if there's any supplement or medication on the market that helps with nerve regeneration?

Hi Melissa
In order to get results from herbal treatments it is often necessary to be on a course for at least 6 months, especially for serious and/or long-standing problems.  Herbs work slowly restoring the body back to balance.  There is no magic quick fix with natural medicine because it has to work at such deep levels within the body systems.  With something as serious as your dog's issues it may be necessary to have him on the Nerve regeneration tonic for a year, or maybe longer.  As far as nerves regenerating goes it depends where it occurs.  If the Central Nervous System is damaged then it is almost impossible for regeneration to occur (this is nerve damage to the brain and spinal cord).  If nerve damage occurs elsewhere in the body (Peripheral nervous system) then regeneration can certainly occur.  Only a vet could tell you which nerves have been damaged, so I can not speculate on that.  Nerve damage of any sort is very very slow to heal.  Consider the vastly complex system that makes up the nerves just in the tip of your finger!

Keeping him active is absolutely imperative - Use It Or Lose It!  Swimming, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy would all be great for him and there are many centers now that provide physical rehab for dogs.
A good supplement to add to daily meals is an Omega 3,6,9 blend.  Omega 3 keeps the brain and nerve in good condition and will also help keep joints and coat in good condition.  Buy a good quality Flax Seed Oil and add to daily meals.  There are specific ones for pets so you can follow all the instructions on the label.
You may want to look at this website for further information on canine rehab, herbs and acupuncture:

I hope you find some helpful answers here.  Please do not hesitate to contact me again.  Remember - nerve regeneration is a very slow and lengthy process, and there can be no 100% guarantees, but you can certainly do many things, as suggested, to make life easier for your dog and to ease any pain or discomfort he is going through.

With thanks,