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We have a small mixed breed dog. About 4 years ago she developed
this constant licking at her front paws,knee joints, back end,
back knee joints. She acts at times that something is attacking
her back end. She cannot lick or chew fast enough at her back end and front end to get rid of it and will even start growling. We have her on dog food for possible allergies, we even had her adjusted with the vet telling us her back end is out. At one point we were told she had a yeast infection and was given medicine. I also put one scoop of Pro-Derma for her skin in her food. Without going back to the vet and spending more money..I
am all out of ideas! Any ideas would really be helpful.

Thank you,

Hello Pam :0)
A few things strike me. 1)As for the allergy factor, are you feeding a grain free formula? Does it contain Beef? Are you putting anything else in her mouth at all other than just her food? If so, what? Are you using any spot on the back flea control? Any internal regular medications of any sort? 2)Is she the proper weight for her age and bone size? Does she have a 'figure' that goes in at the waist and tucks up in the tummy? 3)This may sound strange but are you under any particular stress?

Obviously, there are lots of questions that need to be answered for me to give you the best advise possible for your dear friend. I'd love to talk to you and answer them all, so would you be so kind as to give me a call sometime in the evening after 6 or any time day or evening on Tues or Wed on my office line 727-327-8769 so I can give you the time and attention that I would like to give you so we can get your girl happy and healthy without spending a truck load of money at the vet.