Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > shih tzu smell and itching ; hot spots natural help ; hot spots shih tzu;

shih tzu smell and itching ; hot spots natural help ; hot spots shih tzu;


I don't know if an email went through to you already as I pressed a button and it disappeared.
I have a big dilemna. I have a wonderful shitzu, Winston. He has always had bad skin. He smells after bathing and you can tell his paws get uncomfortable.  His ears also have issues.   A while ago, he had a skin infection that went on for a while where he lost alot of hair.  He recovered, but the vet really ended up not knowing what it was.
I just had him groomed and noticed that he has a patch on his chest.  I am taking him to the vet.  His skin is looking flakier, etc.  
Can you suggest some things to do. Does he have allergies. I feed him normal dog food (expensive).  What can I bathe him with.
Please help me!!!

shih tzu yeast ;  shih tzu smells ;  shih tzu shampoos ;  Nu vet for shih tuzs;
Hi - Let me know if you try the TEA tree oil shampoo or the NuVET vitamins?  I would love another success story!
Keep me posted....
Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse

Susan, Poor little Winston!  Yes, I can help with a holistic shampoo and some dog vitamins.
Yes, have the Vet take a look at the area...

He may have environmental allergies and excessive Yeast overgrowth.

SEE Here:
Shih tzu - skin problems - hot spots

Innova EVO and Dog Allergies - Food or Environmental-

After you read the above link, let me know if you need more help.
There are some great product referrals in the links.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the Pet Nurse