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Laxative for constipated dog



I have a miniature pinscher and I've noticed that every time she becomes constipated she ends up with swollen anal glands (or as I call it a butt blow out).  This happened at the end of March last year and then just this past Friday night we noticed she was red & a tad bit swollen and come Saturday morning it was a trip to the vets for a $640 bill to lance the anal gland, etc.  I had asked the vet if there was anything that can be given to the dog for the constipation and she said canned pumpkin but you have to be careful with it as it is a fiber and can cause her to also become more constipated (works 2 ways).  Is there anything else that can be given?  I would like to try and keep her on something that would work like prunes (won't give those to her) to keep her from being too constipated.  I can't keep affording these vet bills from the anal glands.

Thanks so much!

Greetings Patricia,

Rather than treating the SYMPTOM (constipation), treat the CAUSE (nutrition). If you will put your min pin on a pre-prepared raw food diet (B.A.R.F. for instance- available on line through, if not available in a store near you, or some other quality raw diet such as Steve's Eco Diet, NorthWest Naturals, or Raw Health), I believe that you will find that your dog's constipation and subsequent anal gland issues might just solve themselves. For one thing, I have found that the anal glands do not seem to produce as much substance as they do when a dog is on other foods, either that or they clear themselves more regularly when the dog defecates. Another thing is that the enzymes and beneficial bacteria that are still alive and well in raw food and not in processed foods keep the dog's system functioning normally.  If you can't get a raw diet, the next best thing is to get a high quality enzyme and probiotic supplement such as E-Barf Plus and put it in a good quality natural dry food. Your dog's entire digestive process will improve, and the money that you save by not going to the vet will more than cover the additional expense of the food. Plus, you will see so many wonderful other health benefits.

You may also want to periodically (monthly) have a good groomer in your area bathe your dog and express the anal glands. I'm not sure where you live, but if you are any where near St. Petersburg, FL, I would be happy to show you how to do them your self.

If you have any other questions or need any other help, please don't hesitate to call me at my shop: 727-327-2356.

Take care, and please keep me posted on your progress.
