Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Maltese with Diabetes & Cataracts - supplements can help; canine cataract surgery;

Maltese with Diabetes & Cataracts - supplements can help; canine cataract surgery;


Our beloved Maltese, Nikki, was diagnosed with Diabetes approx 4 months ago.  We finally got her insulin dosage right %26 felt we had her blood sugar under control.  Two days ago we realized Nikki was not able to see.  She fell down two stairs %26 couldn't see her food.  We immediately took her to the Vet %26 was told she has cataracts.  We promptly made a call to a specialist in Indianapolis %26 was told the surgery (if she qualified) was approx $6,000  Our hearts are broken %26 we love this baby so much.  I don't know where to turn %26 I want to help her!!  She is only 7 yrs old %26 has been the center of our lives from the first day.  Please, please help us help her.

Maltese with cataracts:  How is Nikki doing?  Did you try any of the supplements?
Let me know as I love follow-ups...
Marie / Ask the VET Nurse

Canine with cataracts:
Hi Linda, Sorry Nikki is having the vision troubles related to her diabetes.  If you get the blood sugars under control, the eyes may become a little better.  I know you can't get the expensive surgery but you can give her some supplements to help stop the degeneration.

Please write to me here  

I will send you a flyer with photos of before and after ... of cataract clients.

Here is a post on supplements and cataracts: