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Blue Heeler ?


Aloha, I have a six year old Blue Heeler , who is simply awesome. I've had him now for about two years and love him more then anything.
About 3-4 months ago he started to produce a notable increase in eye mucus. The kind us humans get in the morning.  It has kept up fairly consistently since then. Its not an outrageous amount but it seems to be around all day.  His diet has been consistent to what his previous owner was giving him, with me implementing some natural wet food called Happy Hips.
My ? is; is the diet related, breed related, sickness, etc.
His energy level is great and since coming to me he has got into shape and can actually catch air to nab that dang Frisbee! It just the good old eye goop that is worrying me.  Thanks so much for your time. Aloha

Aloha Michael!  I will be in Hawaii soon, going on the NCL's Pride of America ship ....can't wait - my 2nd trip to the Islands.
Ok, as for your boy, sometimes the eyes can have increased secretions related to allergies.  They can develop allergies at any time as we humans can also do.  I would figure it is just that a reaction to Environmental????

I would do two things with this boy:
First, get some salmon oil into his diet/ Pure Alaska Salmon oil is sold on-line or at many pet stores-  There is a good brand called yummy chummies....
Make sure you get pure salmon oil and give him 2 teaspoons per day
( 1 in the am and 1 in the pm - mixed into his dog food)

Also, this is a wonderful product that I would like you to place in his drinking water each day - or hide and mix into his food...
From Nature's Sunshine:
Nature's Sunshine:  AlJ liquid herb - give him the " adult " dosage

Best wishes and keep me up on his eyes...

Marie Peppers