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bulldogs skin


HI I read someone e-mail to you about their dog with a skin condition due to allergies. You recommended nu vet wafers and pure salmon oil grizzly brand. Can my  40 lb English bulldog take both or is it too much?She eats wellness reduced fat dog  food and I thought she was getting all the vitamins etc she needed with a high quality dog food but her skin is just like Jamie on 1/14/10 described. thanks

Well, I think that someone else probably answered Jamie, but both products are ok, it's just that in my 20 plus years of specializing in eliminating skin problems the natural way, I always start by taking out things that I know cause problems before I just supplement. It generally works better and is more cost effective. Since I have written booklets and articles on the subject, there is a bit too much to tell here, but the main thing is to eliminate the following 1)Wheat, corn,soy,dairy and beef in ALL FORMS and out of EVERYTHING that goes into your dog's mouth!!! That includes snacks, supplements, chewable anything, etc. Become an AVID Label Reader!! And note, one piece of left over pizza crust can keep this thing going forever! 2)NO toxic vet products such as Comfortis, spot on the back flea treatments,chewable heart worm (there are very effective homeopathic heart worm preventatives me @ 727-327-2356 if you are interested). 3) NO MORE ANNUAL VACCINES! They are known to cause allergies as well as cancer, epilepsy and a plethora of other deadly chronic health issues. They also are totally unnecessary since the antibodies from the first year totally cancel out the next without raising the disease resistance one iota. Plus, the canine immune system matures at 6 months and the majority of the vaccines are for puppy diseases. My new book, "Simple Steps To A Healthy Pet" which I hope to have available as an e-book and in print soon goes into much more detail.

By the way, all of the above suggestions are especially important for the English Bulldog because they are genetically very susceptible to the effects of all of the above causative factors.

If you will go to my web site you can read many articles that I have written on holistic pet care, allergies, etc. Also, the product there on the site is very effective at helping eliminate skin problems as well as preventing fleas, etc. especially when combined with the previous suggestions.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call me personally at 727-327-2356 for a free consultation.
