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my rescued pomeranians ear


Hi there all of a sudden my pom's ear went flat. its unresponsive even when hes havina treat or alert to sound, it looks healthy inside and smells good, we think its a external injury to the cartilage, is there anything I can do to help perk it up again? if its down we are afraid of infections because hes so hairy although adorable, thankx meg

Hi Megan
It could be many things that have caused your Pom's ear to droop suddenly.  There could be a small object lodged in there, or there could be an ear infection.  Sometimes dog's ears droop when they are feeling unwell.  But generally that includes both ears.  I would certainly get an appropriate animal ear cleaning product and clean the ear out as recommended for a few days and see if that helps.  Otherwise you really should go to the vet who will be able to have a closer look deep in the ear and see what is going on.  If it is due to an infection it is better to get it cleared up sooner rather than later.
I hope this was helpful.