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good foods for cats; good food for cats dental health needs ;


My vet noticed that my cat's gums were very red.  He suggested we brush them. (How possible is that?!) The cat spends the majority of the time outdoors and does catch and eat, birds, mice, bugs, etc.The vet said that anesthesizing the cat to clean them was not a good option because the cat has a slight heart murmer. Is there something I can try to quickly rub on his gums to help stop infection?

Hi Magi, I sure do understand your situation.  How about some dry cat food mixed into the wet food?  Get a good brand for your cat kid.
Innova, Wellness, Solid gold or Merrick are good brands sold at most pet stores.
As for the gums - a good daily vitamin will help :  mix this into your cat's food each day - NuVET plus-
see here
Get the powder for Felines....give this daily - will help to heal the gums.  All natural and safe, too.
Tell them pet Nurse Marie sent you over...

Also, you may want to give your cat some Vitamin E - Just pop the pill and squeeze out the Vit E oil  ( try to find the 50 IU)
Just one per day for about 2 weeks.  MIX well into some tuna or good yum yum WET food.  Vit E doesn't taste very good.

So, good food, NuVET and and some Vitamin E should do the trick.
I would not rub anyting on the cat's gums because of biting.

BEST wishes,

Marie Peppers LPN MA