Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > coughing all the time with yellow and clear mucus

coughing all the time with yellow and clear mucus


I was wondering if you can tell me what my dog might have? and i also noticed that my other dog is starting too. Is there any human meds that I can give him?

Hi Andrea,
A pale/yellow mucus can be caused by a viral infection or a cold.  But coughing can also be brought on by fluid build up in the lungs, something stuck in the airways, kennel cough, or asthma and allergies.
You really need to see a vet, as without a vet diagnosis it is impossible to advise on a course of action.
There are too many variables involved with why a dog could be coughing.
Also, it is NEVER safe to give dogs human medications.  Asprin and paracetamol can be deadly for dogs!
I know the vet can be expensive, but it is better to get in there now and clear this up, rather than having too chronically sick dogs on your hands - then the expense will be even greater.
Sorry I can't be of further assistance in this Andrea.
Take care,