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Feline mammary tumour


My wonderful Siamese cat has developed a large swelling in her belly under the nipple.  As her daughter died of mammary tumours (after having much surgery and lots of drugs), I am afraid that this is the same thing.  She is very fit and well and full of bounce ... I feed my Siamese cats on boiled white fish every day ... I really do not want her to go through surgery as I feel that is tantamount to her death sentence.  I do not want to lose this cat.  What can I feed her to shrink this tumour ?  I have been reading about flaxseed oil and cottage cheese .. or salmon oil ... are there other things I could try .  I would be very grateful for your

Dear Jane
Thank for your question.  I feel that something much stronger than a change in diet is required here.  Did you want to at least go to your Vet and get a diagnosis?  At least then we know what we are dealing with.  Alternatively my best suggestion is to book in a phone consultation with Dr Michael Bascombe.  He is a vet and only uses natural therapies and animal communications.  Michael is accessible on:
The other option is as I mentioned - a diagnosis from a vet and we can then look at what other alternatives there are to surgery or drug treatment.
I hope this is helpful in finding a solution for your much loved cat.