Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > knee- luxating patella in cavalier ;

knee- luxating patella in cavalier ;


My 2 yr old male cavalier king Charles spaniel has a knee that is disjointed at times.   He pulled it and meds stop the pain.  He just recently did something to it again-and started to yelp at certain ways he moved it.  Walking, running and playing doesn't bother him just getting up and going up the stairs.  This time around it wasn't as bad as the first time.  What can I do when it this happens?   I don't want to keep giving him prescription meds.  How can I get rid of the inflammation and pain?

Luxating patella; King Charles Spaniel luxating patella alternatives;
Hi Kathy - sounds like it may be a luxation in the patella ( knee) or trick knee ; Only a Vet will be able to tell you for sure with an exam and possible x-ray.

I have helped many with levels 1,2, and 3 luxating patella:
Here are some supplements to help with the inflammation & pain.

1.  turmeric powder - Just a dash of this cooking herb per day can help reduce swelling.
Turmeric powder is very strong and must be mixed well into some dog food - Just 1/8 of a teaspoon 1-2 x per day ( A Dash) is all you need - long term.....
Turmeric is a powder - found in most grocery stores / cooking herbs

2.  NuVET and NuJoint Plus - NuVET is one of the best doggie vitamin supplements in the USA
Give 1 NuVET per day - will help all the body's systems and helps to heal...
   NuJoint is NuVET's helper - Again, this is also a Natural supplement and one of the Best around.  NuJoint will help to Reduce all the inflammation and aids in repair.  NuJoint will sure help to strengthen the problem areas.
This is very safe:  Give 2-3 per day - long term......
NOT sold in stores:  See here:  ( give order Discount code 81098)
Make sure you tell them Pet Nurse Marie is working with you....
You are looking for the NuVet and the NuJoint Plus

3.  Please give 1 tablespoon per day of Pure Salmon oil/  the best one is Grizzley oil...
LOOK around at your pet stores for this or order on-line.  
This will also help the knee, skin and coat.

I sure hope this helps - It should .... I have great luck with the above products.
And SAFE and Natural is a big plus....
NuVET does give a 60 day money back guarantee.

BEST wishes -
and Happy New Year!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the Pet Nurse