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Holitistic Cancer Treatment


QUESTION: I'm helping my 11 yr. old cat heal from lymphoma, the phlegm type.  My holistic vet/animal acupuncturist can feel a golf ball sized cluster of nodes in his lower abdomen.  I can't feel it.  To me it feels like poop in his colon because it goes away after he's pooped.  This is the best diagnosis I can get without a biopsy.  He's a earth type with spleen deficiency and originally a trauma cat who has healed so much it's amazing.  His spleen and liver have become enlarged.  There are new lymph nodes in his groin and they are increasing.  

I have plenty of ways to kill the cancer.  Poly MVA, Rife machine, MMS.  I'm starting up with Poly MVA for 2 weeks.  Then will see if he can handle Rife.  MMS too would be too much.  What's tricky is the die off which makes him feel more stagnation which equals more nausea, less hunger, and more weight loss.  He's already lost 25% of his weight.  9#.  He used to be a 12.5# kitty.  If you have any suggestions, I'd love them.

I gave him too big a dose of bladder bitter herbs in May 2012 when he had a UTI.  Oops.  Not happy for his spleen.  He had previously rarely vomited, but he began doing so frequently then and lost all this weight.  My holistic vet says lymphoma is the progression of spleen deficiency.

He's eaten Ziwi Peak raw venison and fish for the last 5 years or so.

What's working well is a nightly CAN bath energy medicine bath soak from DNR given as a compress.  It clears the stagnation.

ANSWER: Hello Susan,

It sounds as if you are doing pretty much everything you can. Does your holistic vet practice Homeopathy? If not, I highly recommend contacting Dr Gerald Wessner for a phone consultation. He has helped several of my clients with cancer issues. His phone number is 352-245-2025.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Any suggestions as to how to handle the die off?  To help him detox?  Was that what you thought the homeopath could help me with?


Homeopathy is DEFINITELY the answer for detox, but it is also an excellent system for cancer elimination itself. Call the doc. You will love his amazing can feel it over the phone.

By the way, another suggestion: get some pH test strips at the drug store, or find the cat litter that is available that automatically tests pH and use it. It is a scientific fact that NO ANAEROBIC LIFE FORM CAN EXIST IN PROPER UPPER PH. Cancer is an anaerobe! Proper upper pH for a cat or dog is 6.2 -6.4 (check this out with your vet or look it up to confirm for a cat, but I believe it is the same as it is for a dog. Be sure to keep your boy's nutritional intake to where it keeps him in proper upper pH. It will help you in your healing efforts.

Also, go to my web site: and download the free copy of my book "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet". The information in it is quite valuable for both dog and cat owners, but I would like you to pay special attention to the last chapter on the Spiritual Relationship that exists between people and companion animals. In it I describe my hypnosis/meditation technique that I call P.E.T. (Pet Energy Therapy). It is actually a technique that I have used to eliminate a cancer tumor in a person with her cat, but it may help with your cat as well.  If you would like me to do a guided meditation with the two of you some evening, give me a call at 727-327-8769 and I would be glad to help. If you can donate a love offering for my assistance,it would be appreciated, but it is not a requirement that I have.
I AM is here for you both.

Take care and keep me posted,