Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Pet odor the NuVET Wafers Work great ! ; pet odor kit;

Pet odor the NuVET Wafers Work great ! ; pet odor kit;


Marie, I just want to thank you so much for your advice on my pet, Daisy(golden retriever rescue age 8,female). I started the lactobacillus  and the NuVet and Daisy is so much better. We bathed her once with the tea tree shampoo and she doesn't have the yeast odor any longer. We will continue both and bath her again as needed. I am flushing her ears with a wash that has an anti-fungal in it too.
Thanks so much.

I am So Glad you followed my directions for your Golden Girl!  Yes - the NuVET will help to keep the yeast away by re-building the poor immune system.  Also, the Probiotic will help to control the over-growth of yeast bacteria in the skin and even the gut.
The TEA tree shampoo, from NuVET can be used up to 3 x per month...


Keep me posted on all the great results.

Marie Peppers LPN  MA
You are welcome to contact me by private e-mail :

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