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lupus & VKH


I have a 4yr old english mastiff. She was diagnosised as having lupus erythematosis and vogt-koyanagi-harada. She's down to 123lbs. My vet recomended prednisone but wanted me to find an herbal supplement that wouldn't have the same side effects. I found a study over seas that says ASHMI (a combination of .3g of dried aqueous extract, 30g of raw Ling Zhi, 9g of Ku-Shen and 3g of Gan-Cao) has proved to show improvement in people and mice with asthma. I have never heard of any of the herbs listed in this before. Do you think this could help? If so, do you have any idea where I could find it? I'm desperate! I don't want her to go blind or be in any pain from this disease. I also don't want to put her to sleep until I absolutly have to. I can't have a blind dog in my home. It wouldn't be safe. I have two small boys. My youngest son autistic. I love my dog so much. I can't imagine life without her. Help!!
Thank you for your time. Melissa Oliveras  

Hi Melissa
OK - my thoughts on this situation are as follows:  I believe your dog is carrying much of what is happening with your son.  
Both of the syndromes your dog has are auto-immune diseases, which means the body is attacking itself.  We can certainly look at what herbal remedies may help, but there is also work that needs to be done energetically here by the whole family including your dog.
The herbs you list here are most probably used in Chinese Medicine.  I am not familiar with Chinese medicine so can not comment on their validity.  However, you state they were successful in treating asthma.  But asthma is not the problem here.
From a physical point of view you need to address you dog's diet.  It is imperative that his immune system is kept boosted and healthy.  Feed only a raw and natural diet.  No commercial dog food of any sort is acceptable.  If you need help with this then go to where you can find a distributor in your area who specializes in this type of food.
Secondly, email Marina at  She will be able to provide you with guidance as to the best supplements for lupus and for the eye care.
The prednisone is cortisone and while it may ease some symptoms it will not actually "cure" the condition.  You will also end up with all sorts of other complications later with your dog's health from long-term cortisone use.
A product that is really good for eye health is TheraLife Dry Eye Enhance -  This product has been used successfully by humans and animals and although it is specifically aimed at treating dry-eye (hence stopping ulceration and degeneration), it provides vital nutrients to the eyes in general.  Let them know it is for a dog so they send you the correct dosage sheet.  I would probably look at keeping this up for about 2-3 months and then give him a break on it.
Energetically what is happening is that your dog is either carrying some of your son's burdens, or your burdens in association with your son. The load is far too great for him to bare and therefor his immune system is suffering greatly now.  He is just too weighed down with it all.  By his eyesight being affected he no longer wants to see what is happening.
You, your son and your dog all need to practice a routine of Grounding and Sealing every day.  What this means is that you firstly visualize yourself sitting under a waterfall and the waterfall is washing all the debris away from your body (both mental and physical debris), then picture yourself sitting on a red disc with a gold cord coming out of it and gold roots at the end that anchor firmly into the ground. This is called grounding and should be done as many times a day as necessary to bring yourself into the present moment.  Then seal your self in Gold by pouring a bucket of gold liquid over your entire body.  This protects you from other people and their issues and energies.  You should do this for yourself as many times a day as necessary.  If your son is old enough then teach him how to do this too every morning and evening.  If he is not able to do it on his own then do it for him in your mind or talk him through it everyday.  The same with your dog - either talk him through it everyday, or visualize it happening for him morning and evening.
I know it may sound ridiculous but it is extremely effective.  Your dog needs to stop carrying it all and this is the best way to avoid it happening.
I would also look at purchasing a couple of bottles of the Australian Bush Flower Essence called Boab.  Purchase 3 dose bottles (one for each of you) and administer  7 drops morning and 7 drops evening directly into your mouth.  Do the same with your son, and also your dog.  You can put it on your dog's food and/or water bowl as well.  The Boab essence is terrific for Grounding oneself, and being able to break the ties that bind us to family - which often lead to toxic emotions and illnesses manifesting.  If you want further information about this then there should be a contact person for the Bush Essences in the USA that you can talk to.
I hope this helps you.
Please get in touch again if you need to.
Kind regards,