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Fatty tumor draining on my dog;


My dog as a fatty tumor the size of an orange on her upper chest, she is 13 Yrs old. She licked it and now it opened up and is draining foul smelling pus. The vet saw it prior to the opening and while it was only irritaed and prescribed an antibiotic cream. She is artrhitic and has a bad knee. She is on a pain pill he just started and I give her dog glucosamine and senior vitamins. I just found out about castor oil helping fatty tumors and have begun to rub that on the tumor but not directly on the opening. Any advice? Surgery is not an option due to her age. I wrap up the chest after I apply the castor oil and I still use the cream in the draining hole.

Non cancerous fatty cyst; supplements to promote healing ;
Hi Marianne,  So sad for you and your dog!  It is good that the area is open and draining.  The body is trying to heal itself...  Would you like to put her on the canine cancer dog food recipe and some supplements to promote the healing?

Let me know, I would love to help you keep her comfortable.  

Marie Peppers LPN MA