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West Highland Terrier jumping


My Westie is 30 months old.  He weighs about 22 pounds and is in good health (he chases the 9 month old Westie around the house etc.). Recently I noticed he no longer jumps up on the hill he likes to roam or on the beds.  Is he being lazy or is there something I should be concerned about.  He is not walking or running differently nor showing any signs of pain etc. His diet is great and he is alert etc. Thanks

Hello J -

This sounds more of a behavioral issue rather then physical.

Watch how he acts around the puppy and watch his reaction to you and your family when they play with the new puppy. Dogs tend to hold their emotions and will rarely show pain no matter how bad something hurts.

If these are the things he really enjoys he may not be doing them to get your attention. Try to get him to jump up on the bed by really coaxing him and by praising him. He may just feel a little left out if the new puppy is getting more attention then him. Although he plays with the puppy, he can still hold a "grudge".

Feel free to contact me again if you have further concerns. The best natural remedy for behavioral and emotional concerns at the Flower Essences. You can find alot of information on the web about these essences. They have had outstanding results and have really helped my clients whose pet's were not responsive or moody. Watch your pet and he will tell you without words why he is troubled. The Flower Essences come in a wide variety and can be mixed for specific concerns.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of home made herbal remedies which I would be happy to send to you as well.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist