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my hamster may be blind


both my teddy bear hamsters eyes are like that now. They look big. I found blood in his sleeping house that wasn't there before. It is getting bad. Do u think i can still help him. Is he suffering so much that I should just put him down. I don't want him to suffer because I love him please help me.
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Question -
my hamster's left eye is all puffy and fuzzy. He acts fine and is still himself but i dont know what happened. it looks bigger then the other eye and has a gray hint to it. It doesn't look like he is suffering. I don't know what to do please help me i don't want to loose him.
Answer -
Hello Christine -

It sounds as though your hamster may have an eye infection. This is often because a hamster may have something it its eye such as a piece of dust or it could be because the hamster's cage is placed in a draft.

This infection can be treated by mixing half a cup of sterile (boiled and cooled) water with a teaspoon of boric acid powder (available from a chemist or pharmacy) and using an eye dropper to bathe the eye twice or three times a day. If the hamster does not show improvement within a couple of days veterinary advice should be sought as antibiotics may help.

Although rare, hamsters can develop cataracts and the symptom is a cloudy eye. Although the cataract cannot be treated it is worth seeking veterinary confirmation as the symptoms of a treatable eye infection are sometimes similar.

The loss of an eye or blindness does not affect the hamster too much as their eyesight is very poor and they rely mainly on smell and hearing.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of home made herbal remedies which I would be happy to send to you as well.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist  

Hello Christine -

You should really take them to a vet at this point. Hamsters spread infection and bacteria very quickly to each other.

Try the remedy I gave you in addition to the medication your vet may issue to you. You vet would be the one to tell you in putting them down would be a smart choice. If they do not look like they are in pain and just their eyes are cloudy I would say your vet may not want to euthanize.

I hope this information has helped you.

Thank you and I hope your "teddies" feel better.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist