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stray cat problem


A stray cat has made my porch his new home. Well, the problem is he seems to be losing hair around his neck and one of his eyes is infected plus he is very thin. To make matters worse he won't let me get close enough to help him.  I desperately want to take him to the vet.  What measures should I take in the mean time to help? Maybe put medicine in some wet food?


Hello Sandra -

Please be very, very careful when interacting with stray cats. They can be very dangerous and can be infected with an array of illness'.

The loss of hair could be mange and the runny eye is a bad upper respiratory infection. You could add Garlic to the wet food which is an anti-microbial and will help fight and kill infection. This is safe and effective for long term use and can be added to wet food. Cats like the taste of Garlic and he should eat it up.

I don't known how friendly he will be in able for you to grab him. If you do please be careful and watch for scratches, if he has a bad infection you can sick too.

The vet will have to administer a series of anti-biotic shots in order to clear up the various conditions. I make a pet eye wash especially for cats with runny eye but he will not get close you, it will obviously be difficult to administer.

I hope this information has helped you. Again, please be very careful when handling a stray cat. Also have the vet check to see if he may be ferral.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formualted herbal remedies which I can send to you as well.

Thank you and Best wishes.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist