Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > roborovski bites

roborovski bites

21 11:35:46

QUESTION: hi, i have bought two roborovski hamsters about 2weeks ago and one of them bites i wash my hands before i touch them every single time so they do not mistake my hand for food but he goes out of his way to bite me and has drawn blood twice.i have tried lots of things giving him treats but he does not eat them fresh fruit and lots but he is not interested i spend lots of time talking and putting my hand in his cage the odd few times he is ok but he comes over sniffs and then sinks his teeth in i do not think he is scared because he can eat by my hand he bites on average 4 to 10 times a day and he is showing an example to the younger robo can you please give me some advice.

ANSWER: Hi Emma,

your hamster sounds very ferocious!

I have kept different species of hamster and i have found that the Roborovski is the only hamster which hasnt bitten me once - thats out of over 20 roborovskis i currently keep - none of them have ever bitten me.

Maybe he is just a one off - just very bad tempered.

The only thing i can suggest is to keep handling him, maybe wear some thick gloves too, but try to get him used to being handled and maybe he wiil stop biting so much.

Are you sure he is not hurt in anyway, maybe he has a wound or a broken limb and it hurts when you pick him up?

Take him to vets for a check up just to make sure.

Sorry i cant be much help,

Please keep me posted.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi, sorry to bother you again. but he bites when i go into his cage and i don't pick him up i let him try come on to my hand to give him the option. i bought him from pets at home from the adoption section he looks older than a baby his color has faded a little on his back. he seems to be a bully and will not stop trying to hump his brother could this be part of his aggression?

Hi Emma,

It sounds as if he has had a bad past or been treated badly in the past - it is very difficult to tell a hamsters age after it is over a few months old.

If i was you i would seperate him from any other hamsters and put him in a cage with only food and water - no toys, no places to hide, no wheel.  Each time you go to his cage get him out and try feeding him a treat.  Dont let him intimidate you or prevent you from picking him up - do this twice or three times a day.  but make sure that each time you attempt to pick him up always actually pick him up because if he thinks he can stop you from picking him up by biting then you will not break him of the habbit.

You must also make sure that you speak to him every time you pick him up in a soothing voice so he gets used to you and realises that you mean him no harm - try not to hurt him either when trying to pick him up - wear gloves if you have to.

Please let me know how you get on and let me know if you need any more info.

