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gerbils- walking strange

21 11:22:22

i ask a question about why my gerbils are walking like they are drunk but now they are fine eyes open and walking fine


Dear Brandon, This is actually a medical question, which I said I couldn't answer, but I had this problem with one of my gerbils, so I think I can help.
There is two reasons why your hamsters may be walking like that; either because of an inner ear infection, or a cyst. Can you answer some question in a follow-up so I can answer you better?
1. Are both gerbils from the same litter?
2. When they stand on their hind legs, do they sort of lean to one side or fall over at all?
3.Do they have any scratches or other wounds on them?

If their condition worsens, I would see a vet, because what ever the problem is, it could be causing them pain. :/

Good luck and best of wishes - Jen