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Mouse scratching until raw spot under chin

21 13:30:57

Hi Kelly
We inherited two white mice yesterday from a family that was moving away. They had been separated into two cages because one had chewed the others ear off. Their cages were smelly and their water was low so I wondered how well they have been cared for. Both the mice's coats are a little raggety. I cleaned out their cages and put fresh food and water out and then noticed that the chewed up mouse was scatching constantly. Upon looking under his/her chin all the fur has been scratched off and it looks red and painful. Do you know what could possibly be wrong with it and what would be the best remedy to help the little fellow? I really don't like to see it suffer.
Hope you have a great day

Hi Debbie,

     It sounds like your mouse might have mites.  Mild cases of mite infestations can be treated with an anti-mite spray designed for caged birds or small animals available from pet shops. The head of the mouse should be shielded to avoid spraying into the eyes and the body sprayed. The cage should be cleaned, sprayed with the anti-mite spray, and clean bedding should be provided. This treatment should be repeated as directed on the anti-mite spray.
     Mice suffering from mites should be isolated from any other mice or animals and be placed in a room of their own to avoid spreading mites to other animals.
     If mild cases fail to improve within a day or two or in cases of severe mite infestation, or if signs of mange develop veterinary treatment should be sought. A vet can take a skin scraping to confirm the mouse has mites.

Here is a good web page to help you with your new mice:

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

Have a great day also,
