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male hamsters

21 11:07:28

Hi, I have 2 male winter white hamsters, and I place both in separate cages. Usually, after handling one of them, I will let it run around my room. However, they like to visit each other's cages and started 'kissing' (I'm not sure what exactly are they doing, but it seems like it). Sometimes they empty their food pouches to do that. What does this means? Could they be gay?

Dear Anis,
thank you for your question.
I would assume that they are sniffing each other to find out who this other hamster is that's so suddenly in their territory. Dwarf hamsters are used to meeting other hamsters, but don't live with other adults of their own sex.The emptying of the cheek pouches may be just a displacement activity, something they do because they are nervous.
Unless they are aggressive towards each other, I don't see any cause to worry.
Animals may be gay or to be more exact they may attempt to mate with other males/females and even enter some sort of partership, but it is unusual behaviour and as far as I know it hasn't been observed with dwarf hamsters. Your hamsters don't show any mating behaviour towards each other.
I hope I was of some help to you