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should hamsters have a friend

21 13:31:56

i have aq hamster his name is jesse. i was just wondering if it would be a good idiea to get him  a friend?

You didn't tell me the breed of your hamsters and that determines the answer of the question!
  If your hamster is a serian hamsters...other names include teddybear hamster, then no your hamster can't have a friend. these hamsters are territorial and should never be put together becuase fighting may cause death.
  If your hamster is a Dwarf hamster you can get him a friend. but you must be aware that getting a female hamster can result in endless breeding and many many babies. And introducing another male hamster could be difficult. if your hamster is over 6 months i don't recommend introducing a friend.
 i hope this answers your question!
suzi x