Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > eye crud

eye crud

21 13:26:55

I have 2 female short-haired gerbils and 1 of them has crud in her eyes and i have no clue what it means! i`m scared that my gerbil will die. Is she sick or do you know what is causing it? I would appreciate if you anwer specifically.

Hello, your gerbil has an eye infection. He should go to a vet to get antibiotics so his eye will clear up. What type of bedding are you using? If you are using any type of wood shavings i suggest you switch to carefresh bedding or soft sorbent for now. Some wood bedding such as ceder and pine aren't good for small animals as they have dust and oils that cause allergies. If you are using aspen that is a fine bedding but with an eye infection i would switch to using the carefresh or soft sorbent. I hope this helps good luck.