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hamster boredness

21 11:10:44


My hamster
I have a  short haired hamster less than 1 years old.The toys that a I bought her was a chew box,and a chewable tunnel;I feed her tropical food and veggies, also I have a wire cage.
 But she chew's on the wire's and I don't know why, I play with her out of the cage.Should I get another hamster like a baby  or should I not get another hamster?

Dear Kelcie,
thank you for your question.
Syrian hamsters are solitary and will eventually fight and even kill each other when kept in once cage.
How big is her cage and does she have a wheel? Syrian hamsters need huge cages because they run so much and they love to dig, a wheel is also a must for them (I recommend Wodent Wheels ). Playtime outside the cage is great, but it can't replace a big cage. I would recommend a cage ot better tank that's at least 100x50x50 cm long, wide and high and a tank can be filled with much more bedding so that the hamster can dig and build tuneels and a nest in the bedding.

Offer her new chew toys: toilet paper rolls, cardboard boxes, twigs and branches: hazel, apple, pear, beech, birch, oak, willow and currant are suitable for example if you have access to trees not treated with pesticides. Pet shops also sell small branches for chewing. Cork tunnels are great toys for hamsters. Keep some toys and her house in the cage at all times so that it stays familiar, but switch the other stuff around.

Chew sticks are not reall suitable because they contain sugar, molasses or honey (or all three) and that's not  healthy for the hamster. You can bake your own chew sticks/hamster cookies out of a mixture of flour and some water, with grated vegetables and some seeds or whatever takes you fancy. Bake those for around half an hour, depending on the size of the cookies and the oven you use and then store in a cookie jar or freeze them.

The normal food can be scattered in the bedding, wrapped in paper, hidden in boxes ect. Hamsters spend a lot of their time searching for food in the wild and its a great way to keep them entertained. Vegetables can be clamped between the cage bars, threaded on a piece of string or skewered on a twig. I don't recommend using food balls because the hamster may get stuck in them, though.

It may take a while for her to stop chewing the cage bars or she may not stop at all depending on how long she has already been doing it, but it should get less.
I hope I was of some help to you