Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Please help I dont know what to do.

Please help I dont know what to do.

21 12:00:03

I have a flight going home soon and I wanted to bring my hamster with me on board. I called and the people at the airport said I can't bring her and none of my friends are able to take care of her because it's thanksgiving. What should I do?

hi dana,

a pet store or animal shelter/charity may take them if you are providing them with a cage and some supplys already. they will most likely ask for a small donation or fee. call around a few stores too find out your options. if all else fails you could try putting an ad in local pet stores and paper shops reguarding sending your hamster either free to a good home, or a reasonable price for the hamster and all equipment supplied.

good luck and thank you for your question.

joanne :)