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Abandoned Hamsters

21 11:56:48

I was going to work the other day and I caught a man dumping two hamsters in front of my work.  The hamsters were in an extremely small bird cage and the bedding was so thick with pee the smell was unbearable.  The hamsters eyes are squinty and the worst part is one is male and one is female and I think she is pregnant.  I am almost positive they both have upper respritory infections and the male has a small bald spot and a bump under the skin on his side.  They are not well.  I bought them a big play pen, chew sticks and obviously clean bedding and food. I also have a newborn two dogs and another hamster and I am afraid we will get sick by having them here.  What do you think I should do?

Obviously the poor little things need to go to a vet or they will probably not last long. You did do a wonderful thing by actually caring for them and giving them a better life then what they had. I personally don't think you will get sick from the hamsters, but since they are very ill and you have so many other pets, if you can afford to take them to a vet I would. Your other animals are what I am worried about, because the other hamster could catch something if they are close to each other. If you honestly can't afford to take them to a vet you could give them to an animal shelter, hopefully they could find a home for the little dears.