Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > webpage


21 13:32:57

You really helped me alot . Also you told me your webpage adress so I could look into more information.  Can you give that to me again I lost it.  I did look at it but I wanted to go back and can't find it.....On the website you have a picture of Jake. You said you dont' know what he is yet. I have a male here that looks just like him and his father was long haired and his mother was short haired.  It is possible maybe he is the same. Just a suggestion for you.  

my site is it needs updating really though, i need to put a better section on health!
  Jakes got the strangest fur, i think he may be the offspring of a silver satin hamster or something.. i don't suppose i'll even know!
 happy looking at my site! :D
suzi x