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Gerbil using wheel as toilet

21 11:59:21


We just got a young gerbil. I've read that gerbils use one part of their cage as a toilet. Oono seems to have chosen his wheel. As you can see from his cage here:
the wheel is a seperate part of the cage. You can close the wheel, so he can't get access, so i ;ve done this, in the hope that he will choose somewhere else, but I'm conscious of depriving him of his excercise wheel. What do you suggest?


Hello Alan,

Ok, well don't worry, sounds like you have done the best thing!

I wouldn't worry too much. As long as you let him out to have a run he should be very happy. You can let him in the bath tub, or a bed (just watch him because they chew anything). You could also buy an exercise ball, which you can let him run around in, in the living room or kitchen etc. You will find he will probably wee and poo in this also as he runs but it is vry easy to clean after each use. The only thing you need to be aware of is that gerbils tails are very sensitive, and you should keep an eye on him in a ball/wheel as they can damage nerves in their back if their tail bends to much. Mine have always been fine in balls, so just keep this in mind!!

That is as much as you can do, and should be fine! You can also give him empty egg boxes and toilet tubes etc to keep him entertained!!

I hope this helps you, and thanks for your question!!