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lump on hamsters front leg

21 11:54:32

over the last few days i have noticed a large hard lump sized like an oval malteser behind my hamsters front right leg she seems ok but is spending more time in her bed she is still eating and drinking i have also noticed a small scab on her head please could you advise thankyou  

Hi Aimee,

It sounds like your hamster has either an abscess or a tumor.  Sometimes you can see a bite or scratch wound on the lump, which would mean it is an abscess.  Either way, you should take your hamster to the vet - tumors can often be operated on, and if it's an abscess, it will need to be drained to get rid of the infection.  The vet will probably prescribe antibiotics as well.

As for the scab, that could be due to excessive scratching, perhaps from mites or an allergy.  Allergies are often attributed to the hamster's bedding.  Make sure that you don't use Pine or Cedar beddings - they have strong aromatic oils that cause allergies and respiratory problems.  Instead, use Aspen or Carefresh.

And, it's not always possibile to see mites on your hamster, so it's best to go ahead and treat your hamster for them.  Buy anti-mite spray for small animals at the pet store.  Shield your hamster's head and spray her body.  Then, clean the cage and spray it with the anti-mite spray as well.

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
