Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Twitching


21 11:54:32


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Hi. i have a 9 week old syrian hamster. She used to sneeze alot and have a cold i think but im pretty sure that shes almost better now as she no longer has a runny nose and doesnt sneeze much. although she no longer sneezes, i have noticed that she seems to twitch alot which looks like she could be sneezing or hiccuping inside. is this normal or could it be soething related to the cold she used to have?
Hi Jess,

    It could be from her cold or it could be from the bedding. What type are you using?

Hi, the bedding is called paper wool safe bed. It says its naturally safe and non-toxic.  I have noticed that she seems to sleep in her toilet alot but she doesnt use it to wee in. I havnt found any signs of wee anywhere. Could this be anything to do with it or am i just not looking hard enough?
Thanks for your previous reply.

Hello again Jess,

    The paper part of the bedding is fine, but it's the wool part that worries me. If your hamster were to eat any of the wool, when digested it can block stomachs. I would suggest changing to an aspen bedding or Critter Care bedding.
    If your hamster is not urinating, (check her cage by feeling for wetness) then she should definitely be seen by a vet as soon as possible.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing and best of luck!